IAPS219C is an Auto Pay Station used in IPS2000 parking system. It adopts Chipcoins (Mifare® IC inside) as parking tickets and provides a convenient payment service in any parking facility
IENT219C is an Entry Terminal used in IPS2000 parking system. It supports Mifare® IC card as parking tickets and provides a fast and easy entrance control of any parking facility.
IEXT219C is an Exit Terminal used in IPS2000 parking system. It adopts Mifare® IC card as parking tickets and provides a fast and easy exit control of a parking facility.
ICST209 Cashier Station is a PC based POS computer in IPS2000 parking system. It supports Mifare® IC card as parking tickets and provides a manned payment service for a parking facility.
Smart electronic billing system, provides 24hrs self-services billing & registration services through the integration with HIS and enhance the efficiency of existing manual operation.
through the highly integration with existing POS system, to enhance the processing from order, serve to payment, in order to increase the income but less labor cost.
24hrs self-fueling services, provides 24hrs self-fueling services, increase income but less overhead cost.
Introducing Parktron Signage Screener Pro, with facial/face-mask recognition and body temperature screening and the latest automated screening technology, the signage screener Pro promotes the health, safety and security for employers, employees and their customers in a touch free solution.